7 Best Website Conversion Tips to Book More Meetings

Businesses must need to improve their conversion practices to get more leads and book more meetings for their site.

Booking meetings is one of the largest bottlenecks for businesses today. For most companies, a large amount of sales is a direct result of the number of meetings booked. The issue with most companies today is that their sites are ill-optimized to book meetings. To change this, businesses must need to improve their conversion practices to get more leads and book more meetings for their site. Some of the best tips for booking more meetings from your site include: 

1. Utilize your email list

Your business’ email list is an underrated tool to market virtually any product or service. You can use your email list to sell a product, course, affiliates, and even meetings.  When businesses think of booking more meetings, they usually try a lot of web design and optimization tactics. Although this can be great, leveraging your email list can be a faster way to get more bookings for your business. With your email list, you can simply send out a new email and get more meetings by adding a call to action. This allows you to get immediate traction instead of waiting for the traffic on your site to increase. 

Depending on the size of your list, you can use several strategies to book more meetings. First, you can try to add a call to action at the end of your emails. Many companies that use email marketing often underutilize their call to action. If you’re sending routine, value-packed emails to your email list, you can capitalize on your great email marketing by simply adding a call to action to book a call. This can immediately result in many more leads for your business and you can accelerate your sales. 

2. Add a call to action on blogs

Another missed opportunity to book meetings for companies is adding a call to action on blog posts. For most sites, blogs are the main drivers of organic traffic, so it makes sense to ensure there’s somewhere on your blog where you can book more meetings. Placing a call to action button on relevant pages on your site is a great way to convert targeted traffic into real leads for meetings. 

For your call to action, you can place them on several areas in your blog posts. You can choose to place them on the side, in the middle, or at the end of each blog post. This will make sure that it is visible to the visitors on your website and you’ll have more clicks and conversions to book meetings. You don’t have to place calls to action all over your blog to book meetings. Instead, you can focus on the high-traffic pages where most of your visitors are. These can be specific pages, your home page, or your blog posts. Adding a few calls to action throughout your site can significantly increase how many meetings you can book. 

Another important thing to note is that your conversions will be highly dependent on the intent of the blog post. You should do thorough keyword research to ensure that you nail down the intent of the search and this will significantly increase your conversion rate. For larger teams, a keyword research service can be more convenient than manually doing keyword research. By taking additional efforts like honing your keyword research, you can improve your conversion rates and book more meetings. 

3. Have a visible button in the header 

The header of your website is one of the most important elements and can influence your conversions. For most websites, their header includes a home page, an about me page, a blog page and a contact me page. This is pretty standard across sites, but it is not ideal if your main priority is getting more meetings. Instead, you should optimize your site to book more meetings because this will result in more revenue for your business. 

A better alternative to using the standard method is to have a clear, visible button on the header. You should also optimize the copy on your button to increase your conversions. Some tips you can use to improve your copy include:

Make copy concise: A call to action button is relatively small. In the button, you can expect to fit 2-3 words maximum. Try to use short and concise copy like “book a meeting” or “get a consultation”. This is much better than lengthening the copy and making the button look abnormal. 

Use colors that compliments design: A mistake that businesses often make is having a color that doesn’t align with the design of the site. The color you use should not contrast drastically with your site’s main colors. It should complement it, yet still, stand out to catch the reader’s attention. 

4. Add popups

Popups are underutilized tools that help sites with their conversion rates dramatically. Many companies use exit-intent popups to capture their readers’ attention one more time before they exit the page. Typically, this is used to get readers to opt-in to their email list by offering a free resource or just a plugin asking for their email details. Many companies use this as their many avenues to get email subscribers for their business.

Businesses can also use exit-intent popups to book meetings. Instead of asking for the email of the visitor to your site, you can offer a free consultation session to help with their needs and turn them into a customer. This works extremely well if your website has a lot of informational blog posts. A reader will search for a question, land on your blog post and they can book a meeting or discovery call with your business. This is a great way to get warm leads to your site and ultimately convert them into customers of your business. 

5. Leverage analytics to position your button placement

A great way to maximize your conversions with call-to-action buttons is to use website data and marketing analytics. Your website data will showcase exactly how many visitors are coming to a specific page on your site and how many of them are converting. You can use this data and see how well your call to action button placements are performing and see what you can do to improve.

There are also several other tools that allow you to perform A/B tests. This enables you to run concurrent experiments to see how one placement of a call to action performs vs another one. For example, you can run an A/B test on a button placed at the end of the homepage vs a button placed at the end of the contact page. This is a great way to see what works best and implement your findings across the website. 

6. Minimize friction to book a call

A key mistake that many businesses make with their booking process is adding friction. When a prospect wants to book a call with you, you should make the process as seamless as possible. Any additional unnecessary steps added will result in more prospects getting out of the funnel and ultimately opting out of the meeting. 

You can minimize friction in your booking process by first analyzing how many steps it takes for a prospect to click on your button and actually book a meeting. You should have the bare minimum requirements to have some basic information on your prospect while simplifying the process for them. The more data you need to book a call, the more avenues the prospect will have to exit your funnel. You should minimize your requirements to their first name, email, and company. Additionally, avoiding questionnaires and other pages is a great way to 

7. Use chatbots

Chatbots are one of the best tools to use to start conversations with your website visitors. Typically, a visitor lands on your site from either Google, a referral, or directly by your URL. Unless you have a large customer support staff, their only option to reach you is to send you an email and this can add up quickly if your site has significant traffic. This typically leads to a lot of questions that are basic and your team doesn’t need to address. 

A chatbot allows you to automate all of these basic conversations and helps further the conversation to the point of booking a meeting. Many sites leave dozens or hundreds of prospects on the table due to not having a chatbot. With a chatbot, you can automate hundreds of conversations and book meetings 24/7. This ultimately means less repetitive work for your team and less overhead for your business. 

About The Author

Ali Ali is a content marketer and blogger at alisquared.co. When he’s not guest posting, you can find him link building and learning about technical aspects of SEO. He can be reached at ali@alisquared.co.

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