Un mentor en conception web utilise MeetFox pour gagner du temps

Découvrez comment Emma Kate, mentor en conception web, gagne du temps et offre une expérience de mentorat transparente en utilisant MeetFox. Vous cherchez un moyen de fixer des rendez-vous avec vos mentorés ? Nous avons la solution parfaite !

Emma Kate est un éducateur WordPress, qui aide les concepteurs à naviguer dans le monde du développement web en proposant différents supports pédagogiques ainsi que des services de mentorat

Son objectif est d'aider ses clients à comprendre les exigences du développement web et à apprendre les astuces de l'utilisation de WordPress sans stress et dans un langage accessible pour les débutants dans le domaine.

In her business, similarly to many others, saving time is a holy grail and when she found out about MeetFox, she jumped at the chance to integrate it into her business. The fact that MeetFox integrates a video conferencing solution with scheduling and payment options was essential to her:

“Before using MeetFox I used a different service. I jumped at the chance to join the MeetFox bandwagon when I saw it had all the features I wanted (email reminders, ability to take payments, and more) at a fraction of the price. Plus all the awesome features they had in the pipeline were impressive.”

Let’s take a more in-depth look at how MeetFox is helping Emma grow her business and why you could also benefit from using it:

Capture d'écran de la page d'atterrissage de emmakate.co

“I don’t even have that many meetings but MeetFox still saves me time each and every week.”

One aspect that makes it so well worth it to use MeetFox is the flexibility that the booking system offers. Whether it is a client, a coworker, or someone who wants to inquire about her services, Emma can just send them a link to book a meeting and voila! No need for back and forth emails or headaches caused by converting different time zones, our software will figure that out for you. Just set your availability, and let us take care of all the rest! 

“I don’t even have that many meetings but MeetFox still saves me time each and every week. It’s super easy just to send clients and colleagues a link to book a meeting at a time that suits them without all the time zone conversion headaches and back & forth via email.”

Maintenez la connexion entre les différents canaux

Le marketing omnicanal est une chose dont de nombreuses entreprises commencent à reconnaître l'importance. Offrir une expérience client transparente sur tous les canaux d'une entreprise n'est plus un rêve fou, mais commence lentement à devenir une nécessité. Vous voulez que vos clients puissent vous joindre, quel que soit leur canal de communication préféré. Il est vrai qu'il y a de nombreux éléments à prendre en compte lors de l'élaboration d'une telle stratégie et l'utilisation des bons outils pour faciliter son exécution en fait partie.

The way that MeetFox can aid your business’ efforts in that direction is by allowing you to include our booking across many channels of your choice, such as websites, emails or social media pages. This is something that Emma knows too well about and is using to her benefit:

"L'ajout d'un lien de réservation sur votre site web, dans le pied de page de votre courriel ou dans les courriels pertinents que vous envoyez vous épargnera tellement de maux de tête liés aux fuseaux horaires et d'allers-retours de courriels."

Faites évoluer votre entreprise

Most of the times, new beginnings are no easy thing to go through, but when you have the knowledge, the right people around you and the right tools in your “virtual” bag, there’s nothing that can stop you from achieving your goals. As a small business owner herself, Emma has been through that and succeeded and we are glad that we were able to help her in this journey! After almost starting from scratch, she can now proudly say that her expertise is helping hundreds of people learn about web development and streamline their web businesses.

“I started using MeetFox at the beginning of my new business and since then it’s grown exponentially. I now have over 400 students and hold 1:1 training sessions with many of them using MeetFox.”

Dernières réflexions

Ultimately, using MeetFox has allowed Emma to dedicate more time to her customers, minimize the time spent on mundane tasks and improve the customer experience across different touch points.

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