5 conseils simples pour tirer le meilleur parti de vos activités en ligne rendez-vous

Utiliser au maximum le site rendez-vous en ligne est ce qui aidera votre entreprise à prospérer dans la culture à distance. Voici 5 conseils simples et éprouvés pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre rendez-vous en ligne !

La pandémie a incité tout le monde à adopter la culture du travail à distance, même après la pandémie. Les marques qui pensaient que le travail à distance n'était pas fait pour elles se développent mieux que jamais grâce au travail à distance. Au départ, la culture du travail à distance suscitait beaucoup de réticence et d'impatience, mais aujourd'hui, elle s'impose comme une culture de travail de premier plan dans le monde entier. 

This brings us to the most asked question: How is one supposed to connect with their team? How will team members connect? It is not like you’ll flip your chair and find your colleague behind you to solve your query instantly or call all your employees to have a quick meeting. The dynamics change in a remote working setup. Team communication is extremely crucial for efficient working in a remote setup. 

Online meetings are your best shot to connect with your colleagues or hold regular meetings. However, for many, online meetings are the biggest nightmare. An online meet might sound easy but in reality, it’s not a child’s play to make it a success. Utilizing online meetings to their maximum extent is what will help your business thrive in the remote culture. Given below are 5 simple and tested tips to make the best of your online meetings:

Online meetings tip #1: Use the right software

The first and the most important part to make your online meetings successful is choosing the right software to hold your online meetings. Do not buy the first software you see, test it, and analyze how it works for you. Testing different software will eventually help you in utilizing the best one for your meetings. Choose a software keeping the following things in mind: 

  • Usual size of your online meetings or number of attendees. 
  • La vitesse du logiciel. 
  • Comment fonctionnent les systèmes de notification et les paramètres du logiciel. 
  • La facilité avec laquelle le logiciel est disponible. 
  • Avez-vous besoin d'acheter un logiciel premium ou un logiciel gratuit en fonction de votre budget ? 
  • Le logiciel est-il convivial ou non ? 
  • Enfin, quelles sont les conditions générales et la politique de confidentialité du logiciel ?

As the culture of remote working is growing, the software to conduct online meetings is readily available in the market. Given below are few options that you can choose from:

Google Meet

It can be called the professional version of the hangouts application of Google. Up to 250 people can be a part of the meeting and it facilitates you with automatic video recording as well. 


Zoon is the ideal solution for you if you need to hold large-scale online meetings. It can incorporate up to 1000 participants and let in around 10,000 viewers.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft teams come paired up with Microsoft office. If you want premium software, Microsoft is the ideal solution for you. It is secure, allows large-scale meetings, and is rich in terms of features. 


Discord is a software that lets you conduct online meetings with high-quality video and audio. The software takes care of privacy as people need to be a part of the private servers to be able to attend the meetings. 


MeetFox is the perfect solution for you if you struggle with setting up meetings, booking time slots, and forget that you have scheduled bookings. The user interface of meetfox is easy to use and very interactive. You can have a customized booking page, sync your calendars, and also get meeting reminders. 

Online meetings tip #2: Do not take prerequisites lightly

You will be able to make the most out of any meeting if you have done your homework for it. Meeting prerequisites are often ignored and underestimated. But when you haven’t done your work, it reflects in the meeting. If you want a short and quality online meet, make sure you are prepared with your game plan. Two things to keep in mind on this:

Établir l'ordre du jour

Quite possibly the main strides of running an effective online meeting are making a plan and having an agenda. This fundamental record will rattle off all you require to go over during an online meeting. 

Vous pouvez penser que vous avez tout en tête, cependant, lorsque vous êtes sur le moment, vous pouvez vous rendre compte que vous n'avez absolument pas réussi à vous rappeler ce qui vient après quoi, ou que vous oubliez un détail important. Plutôt que de perdre du temps et d'étirer une rencontre en essayant de se souvenir et de revoir un point, regardez simplement le plan de jeu. Un plan avec un ordre du jour clair vous permettra également de vous assurer que vous citez également les références, le cas échéant. 

The right way to go about the plan is to list each subject you want to discuss and incorporate sub-segments for the significant ideas. If there are more speakers in the meeting, make a fixed plan for them as well as who should talk when to avoid any mess. 

Lors de l'élaboration d'un agenda et d'un plan de match, veillez à faire ce qui suit : 

  • Tenez compte de la contribution et de l'opinion de tous les autres participants. 
  • Take note of all the important decisions that you need to make in the meeting. 
  • Établissez un document clair comme de l'eau de roche pour savoir qui dirigera quel sujet et qui s'exprimera sur quel sujet. Cela vous permettra d'éviter toute confusion à ce moment-là. 
  • Laissez toujours, je le répète, de la place dans votre plan/agenda pour tout ajout ou suppression de dernière minute. 

Utilisez les cartes mentales et les petites pauses

Using mind maps and small breaks would be great to have an organized and chaos-less online meeting. With back-to-back meetings lined up due to remote working, the importance of small breaks is higher than ever. Small breaks allow you to recharge your body and stay active in meetings. Mind maps are the diagrammatic representation of to-do lists, tasks, concepts, and ideas linked to a central topic i.e your agenda of an online meeting. You can utilize mind maps at the following places: 

  • Pour mieux présenter vos idées et pour une communication efficace. 
  • Pour le brainstorming ou pour donner un visuel à différents concepts. 
  • Pour résumer des rapports et des documents.
  • Simplifying management and streamlining online meetings.

Online meetings tip #3: Make rules and regulations

Having a set of rules and guidelines never hurts anyone. Even if it is a small meeting with only a few attendees, make sure you always have a code of conduct to make your online meet work. It is the only way through which you will be able to make the best of your online meetings.

These are a few rules that you can incorporate in your code of conduct for online meetings:

  • Garder les téléphones portables en mode "Ne pas déranger".
  • Restricting casual discussion throughout the meeting.
  • Restez à l'écart de toute agitation gênante et mettez-vous en sourdine, sauf si vous êtes en train de parler, 
  • Avoid doing any other task during the meeting.

Interférer avec les autres devrait être découragé, mais à cause de l'oisiveté, c'est un événement typique. Veillez simplement à ce que personne n'étouffe délibérément les autres pendant la rencontre.

Likewise, remember your current circumstance, particularly for video meets. Nobody should join a meeting in a boisterous spot, or with a diverting and amateurish video foundation. 

Veillez à ce que chacun dispose du matériel dont il a besoin : au moins un PC en état de marche, un récepteur décent, une webcam et une connexion Internet permanente. Les PC et les associations lents et obsolètes auront du mal à fonctionner au fur et à mesure que vous ajouterez des participants à votre réunion. Assurez-vous donc d'être préparé à toute éventualité de ce genre et d'avoir une solution de secours pour cette situation. 

Ponder about how casual your meeting is, and the size of your group, consider having mediators to keep individuals on task, kick problematic individuals, or hand out talking consents. 

Also, make sure to organize secluded meetings for security reasons. The link should be sent only to attendees to avoid any interference. The more disciplined your meeting will be, the more you’ll be able to make out of it. 

Online meetings tip #4: Communicate well and smartly

Unlike voice business calls, online meetings can be extremely demanding and intimidating where you have to be much more presentable. A communication gap above all these things will make it worse. Therefore, it is important to avoid any kind of ambiguity and be crystal clear about what you want to communicate. 

Furthermore, make your conversations and meetings quick and try to minimize the frequency of meetings. When you need to hold a big meeting with several attendees, there is a possibility that it can turn into havoc if not organized properly. Make sure you communicate all the rules and regulations beforehand to avoid any chaos. 

While conversing in huge online meetings make sure your point is clear, precise, and relate to the topic of conversation. Talk in an organized manner, raise hands if you want to speak, and convey the same to others. For clear communication, you can also present PPTs and flowcharts to make your points more comprehensive and easy to understand. 

Online meetings tip #5: Make sure everyone is contributing 

Making the most out of the online meetings should not only be your top priority but everyone else’s. All the attendees should get a chance to contribute to the meeting and you must try to keep them all engaged. 

Probably the hardest piece of running fruitful online meetings is keeping everybody locked in and engaged. Face to face, sitting in an office room and discussing the agenda makes it a lot simpler to keep everyone engaged and interested. 

Pourtant, s'asseoir chez soi et travailler est une bonne chose. Mais il peut être difficile pour tout le monde d'être attentif car il y a plusieurs distractions à la maison. De plus, il n'est pas non plus facile de rester collé à son écran d'ordinateur portable et d'écouter activement. Vous devez garder tout le monde intrigué afin qu'ils accordent toute leur attention et puissent donner des idées nouvelles. 

Entrepreneur Kenny Schumacher regularly runs online meetings with groups of 2-60+ people and has made it a company rule that only those who will be actively contributing to the meeting will be invited to the meeting. To put another way, only those who need to be in a meeting to contribute should be in that meeting. This ensures that no one’s time is wasted in a meeting they have no desire or need to be in, helps keep meetings short and precise, and keeps meetings engaging.

Here are a few ways of increasing engagement during online meetings: 

  • Always make the setting comfortable before starting the official meeting. Too much professionalism can be intimidating and can make attendees nervous and therefore, they will refrain from participating. Have a little chit-chat rather than starting with the agenda. 
  • Make it a rule to keep video cam open during the online meetings as it makes the interaction more personal. Looking at everyone’s faces and expressions also motivate attendees to put forth their point thus, increasing the engagement rate. 
  • Poussez les participants à donner leur avis individuel. 
  • Don’t try to cover up several topics in one single meeting. Focus on 1-2 topics and try to keep the meeting crisp as well as interesting. This way more people would give their inputs. 

 I have been working from home for more than 1 year now, and the above tips have helped me to cut short my meetings and get more out of every online meet. Hope these tips help you too. 

A propos de l'auteur

Srishti Panwar est une développeuse de contenu chez MyOperator qui est une lectrice avide et une fanatique de livres. Elle est toujours en train d'expérimenter ses façons d'écrire et cherche toujours de nouvelles perspectives. Elle est également une adepte du fitness. Si vous ne la trouvez pas avec ses livres, elle est probablement en train de préparer une nouvelle boisson détox.

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