MeetFox Sécurité des données et conformité au GDPR

MeetFox se soucie de vos données. Découvrez comment MeetFox traite la sécurité des données et comment le logiciel est conforme à la réglementation GDPR.

The future of work and social interaction is changing due to the coronavirus pandemic. Some will argue that the pandemic is only a catalyst for what was already in motion. Perhaps the only universal consensus at the moment is the need for secure digital tools to use when working remotely. The teleconferencing application MeetFox prioritizes data security to safeguard user data and privacy.

MeetFox data security

Nous avons récemment assisté à une énorme évolution vers l'utilisation d'outils de vidéoconférence au travail, en classe et à des fins sociales générales. Par exemple, les utilisateurs actifs quotidiens de Zoom sont passés de 10 millions à 200 millions au cours du premier trimestre de 2020. Les entreprises, les gouvernements, les écoles et les organisations travaillant à domicile ont contribué à l'essor de l'utilisation de Zoom.

Cependant, cette croissance s'est accompagnée d'effets secondaires. Zoom suscite des inquiétudes notables en matière de sécurité des données et de respect de la vie privée. En conséquence, les failles de sécurité de l'application ont poussé des pays et des institutions privées et publiques à abandonner Zoom. L'Allemagne, Taïwan, le Congrès américain, la société d'exploration spatiale SpaceX, Google et les enseignants de Singapour ont tous abandonné Zoom pour des raisons de sécurité.

Will Zoom recover from this and come back stronger? It's a story for another day. Organizations, companies, individuals, and countries need to find a Zoom alternative, and in general need to choose secure platforms hosted on cheap dedicated servers. The data security-centric MeetFox has the potential to be a market leader in the teleconferencing segment.

Here are some reasons why MeetFox secures user communication.

Sécurité et cryptage

All communication between your browser and MeetFox is transmitted over an encrypted connection using HTTPS and TLS. HTTPS is short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. This secures your web browsing experience.

Appels programmés

A scheduled call generates a unique MeetFox link for the consumer. It is sent to the party which scheduled a call via email. MeetFox optionally sends the link to the participants via SMS before the meeting happens.

Accès aux appels vidéo/audio

A video or audio call is accessible an hour before a scheduled meeting starts, and it is accessible from the meeting provider's dashboard. The consumer receives a unique link to access the meeting as well.

The access link is available until the end of the meeting. MeetFox's meeting access expires when the call fails to take place six hours after it was scheduled to start.

Appels enregistrés

MeetFox records scheduled 1to1 meeting calls. The meeting provider is the only one who can record the call and change the recording settings before first access to the call. MeetFox informs the consumer that the meeting is being recorded when the call starts, and a red circle appears on the corner of the meeting room page when a recording is in progress.

Moreover, MeetFox uses third-party service provider Twilio for recording. Twilio is a reliable global provider of online communication infrastructure and is GDPR compliant. Calls are recorded via Twilio servers which store the recording on its cloud servers. The recorded call is available to the meeting provider for 30 days. It is then removed from Twilio's cloud servers.

Also, MeetFox does not collect or share your personal information with Twilio. However, MeetFox shares your location with Twilio for the latter to identify the closest media server for low latency.

Chambres permanentes

MeetFox permanent rooms for participants work in a way as "Unrecorded 1to1 calls." The calls happen via Twilio media servers.


MeetFox sends optional reminders to the participants of scheduled calls. The SMS reminder contains information about the meeting details including a unique link to the call. MeetFox uses Twilio for this service. MeetFox shares your phone number with Twilio to enable the sending of SMS reminders.

Cartes de crédit

MeetFox uses online payment technology firm Stripe - specifically Stripe Payments Europe, Ltd. - for your credit card processing and storage. Stripe is a reliable international company that handles thousands of transactions every day. The financial technology firm is a PCI Service Provider Level 1, which is the strictest level of certification possible for a payment processor.

Une entreprise atteint ce haut niveau de certification en utilisant une sécurité de pointe. Stripe est conforme au GDPR.

MeetFox cares for your data security

MeetFox is pulling all the stops to bring you a digital product you can rely on for your scheduling needs. From sending unique call links to meeting participants to not sharing recorded data with third-party servers like Twilio, MeetFox implements features to ensure data privacy and security. Moreover, MeetFox partners with reputable and GDPR-compliant companies like Stripe to give you peace of mind when you use the application for your needs.

Today, security is more important than ever. MeetFox prioritizes this while working to save you time. MeetFox uses Stripe for your payment processing. The financial technology has the highest level of certification in the payments industry.

Finally, MeetFox continues to build out secure features to help you run your business safely and efficiently. We are open to hearing how we can improve MeetFox. If you have any ideas, comments, or questions on MeetFox's safety measures, feel free to email us and check out our roadmap!

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