Comment les écoles peuvent bénéficier du 1:1 rendez-vous

Les écoles ont été durement touchées par la pandémie. Découvrez comment la vidéo 1:1 rendez-vous, comme les conversations entre parents et enseignants ou entre élèves et enseignants, peut être gérée de la manière la plus efficace.

There are many situations where teachers are speaking to a number of students. Also known is the debate about the amount of students that should be in one classroom which still rages on. There is clearly nothing wrong with students learning together. Also, a capable teacher can often ensure that dozens of students understand the material well. However, what about 1:1 meetings? How often does your school have them?

The truth is that students often benefit tremendously from some one-on-one time, even if it’s something that a school doesn’t emphasize. However, it can be extremely difficult for a teacher to make sure that a student is reaching their goals without speaking to them individually. MeetFox can allow for this 1:1 interaction, and here are some ways in which schools can benefit from these one-on-one meetings.


Les enseignants n'ont souvent pas besoin de plusieurs heures pour déterminer où en est exactement un élève dans son apprentissage. En fait, il peut suffire de quelques questions pour déterminer où l'élève est en difficulté et aborder un point qui lui échappe ou qu'il ne comprend pas.

If you are interested in true assessment, a quick 1:1 video conference can help schools understand what exactly is happening in a student’s mind. Also, it can be helpful in order to figure out exactly why they find it hard to grasp specific concepts. Meetfox is a great tool that can help assess a student’s learning level.

Encourager l'autonomie

Dans une salle de classe, les élèves disposent de toutes sortes de moyens pour trouver la bonne réponse. Ils peuvent naviguer sur leur smartphone, et lever la main une fois qu'ils ont réalisé qu'ils ont trouvé la réponse sur Internet. De nombreux élèves peuvent également se tourner vers d'autres élèves pour s'assurer qu'ils ont la bonne réponse, sans vraiment y réfléchir eux-mêmes.

With 1:1 conferencing, students are forced to explain how they came up with a certain answer THEMSELVES. This can furthermore help them feel more self-reliant and better about the material. A student cannot copy someone else’s work in a 1:1 meeting, and it’s a great way to encourage students to be self-sufficient. In this way, Meetfox can help students find the answer for themselves, and learn the right way.

Éliminer les distractions

A classroom can often be distracting. Students might want to learn the material, but might be distracted thanks to friends, crushes, class clowns, and more. If you want to make sure that your students are successful, a 1:1 meeting can help to eliminate those distractions. It can also help really illuminate what the student understands, and what he/she doesn’t understand.

S'adapter à l'étudiant

Many students learn in so many different ways. A teacher might realize that a particular student responds to a certain teaching style, or understands a specific metaphor when it comes to their subject. A 1:1 meeting allows them to personalize that way of teaching, even if it might not be beneficial to other students. It’s also important to consider different student personality types, as well.

If a teacher knows that a student is passionate about a certain subject, they might re-frame a metaphor to make a concept be easier to understand. Similarly, they might adapt their teaching style to fit a students’ personality, based on their own past experiences. Either way, a 1:1 meeting allows for maximum adaptability.

Une conversation en toute sécurité

In a 1:1 meeting, a student doesn’t have to worry about being made fun of for asking certain questions. Moreover, this might be the key to making sure that they are properly educated. After all, curiosity can lead to many answers – but how will a student ever learn if they are afraid of being judged for asking?

With 1:1 meetings, there are no other students to laugh, scoff, or insult you for what a student does or doesn’t know. For some students, this kind of safe space makes them feel much more comfortable about learning. After all, this comfort might be the key to their success.

Amélioration des communications

Il peut y avoir des situations où un enseignant ne comprend tout simplement pas le processus de pensée ou l'état d'esprit d'un élève. L'apprentissage 1:1 peut aider à maintenir une communication claire. Un étudiant peut vouloir un retour sur un certain travail. Il peut également vouloir en savoir plus sur un concept qui n'a pas été abordé en classe.

In this way, a 1:1 meeting with a teacher and student can go a long way towards improving communication. A student might find that he/she benefits more from personalized learning, as well.


Les élèves sont souvent confrontés à toutes sortes de difficultés lorsqu'il s'agit d'apprendre. De nombreux élèves sont distraits, grâce aux personnes présentes dans leur classe ou à la technologie de leurs smartphones. D'autres élèves peuvent également avoir peur de poser des questions qu'ils considèrent comme "stupides", ou tout simplement ne pas vouloir être jugés avec les autres dans la classe.

1:1 learning can help with teacher-student relationships and communication, but that’s not all. It might also help teachers figure out “where” exactly a student is in terms of a subject. Furthermore, this can encourage the students to learn more on their own. Schools can improve the way that students learn significantly, thanks to 1:1 meetings.  

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