Comment les courtiers en prêts hypothécaires peuvent-ils bénéficier de l'utilisation de MeetFox?

Découvrez comment le courtier en prêts hypothécaires David Imler tire profit de l'utilisation de MeetFox en offrant à ses clients un moyen facile d'entrer en contact avec lui lorsque l'accès physique à rendez-vous n'est pas possible.

Un courtier en prêts hypothécaires est une personne qui sert d'intermédiaire entre les emprunteurs et les prêteurs hypothécaires. Son travail consiste à mettre en relation les deux parties et à rechercher la meilleure solution compte tenu de la situation financière de l'emprunteur et de ses besoins en matière de taux d'intérêt. Leur travail implique beaucoup de communication directe avec leurs clients (les emprunteurs) et leurs partenaires (les prêteurs). Étant donné que l'acceptation d'un prêt hypothécaire est l'un des plus grands engagements financiers que la plupart des gens doivent prendre dans leur vie, il incombe au courtier de gagner la confiance de ses clients et de faciliter une communication transparente entre les parties à la transaction.

Ajoutez à cela la pandémie de corona et vous obtenez une situation délicate du point de vue des courtiers en prêts hypothécaires. Comment parviennent-ils à rester en activité, à maintenir leur flux de clients entrants et à conserver le même niveau de service ? 

In this article, we will look into the story of David Imler, a mortgage broker agent at The Mortgage Center who uses MeetFox to offer his clients an easy way to get in contact with him when physical meetings are not possible.

Portrait picture of meeting broker David Imler

Coordination des horaires

As you can imagine, the process of buying a new house can be pretty stressful and daunting for the buyer, and one of the most important mortgage broker’s responsibilities is to collect the necessary financial statements and documents from the borrower, assess their ability to secure financing and then pass on this information to the potential lenders for approval. This is a process that requires a good understanding of the requirements from all parties involved. To ensure that his clients receive the best possible service and that he can be there to advise them when needed, David started using MeetFox to simplify the process of scheduling appointments. Moreover, he found it really useful that now with Meetfox’s functionalities, the scope of each meeting is much better defined. 

“In our business, everything has gone virtual.  MeetFox has helped to simplify the back and forth coordination of schedules with others, and also be intentional about why we're meeting.  This has helped us to tighten up some of our internal processes as well and be a little more intentional about our client experience.”

Un look propre et professionnel

In David’s profession, as in many others, the way that a (potential) customer perceives you can often make the difference between closing a sale and losing them to your competitors. David had an inspirational moment when he noticed the MeetFox booking link in one of his friends’ email signature. He liked the look of it so much and the professional feel it added to the email that he decided to look into what it is and whether it would be an option for him as well. It didn’t take long for him to sign up for MeetFox after that and he hasn’t looked back since. If you want to add the MeetFox ‘booking button’ to your email signature, it is really easy to do.

"Un de mes amis l'avait sur sa signature électronique et j'ai été impressionné par la propreté et le professionnalisme de son application de calendrier et de réservation. Vous m'avez eu au bonjour.

Dernières réflexions

To sum up, David can now spend more time focusing on the actual scope of his work, without having to worry about wasting time on coordinating the scheduling with his customers and partners. The time saved from that can be used on a multitude of other tasks that can help him grow his business and improve on the customer experience side of things.

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