Comment une rédactrice en chef dirige une agence de talents en marketing avec MeetFox

Camille Trent est rédactrice en chef chez MarketerHire et ancienne rédactrice indépendante. Elle utilise MeetFox pour entrer en contact avec des professionnels partageant les mêmes idées, ainsi que pour son travail, où mener des entretiens avec différentes personnes fait partie de ses responsabilités.

Camille Trent is a managing editor at MarketerHire and former freelance copywriter. She is using MeetFox to connect with like minded professionals, as well as for her job, where conducting interviews with different people is a big part of her responsibilities. 

Les rédacteurs en chef sont responsables des opérations quotidiennes d'une publication ou d'un site web. Leurs tâches comprennent la planification, l'attribution et la révision du contenu, la génération d'idées de contenu, la supervision des calendriers de production et des calendriers éditoriaux, ainsi que la supervision du personnel éditorial et des pigistes. Dans le cadre du processus de création de contenu, les rédacteurs en chef sont souvent chargés de mener des recherches qualitatives sur divers sujets, ce qui implique souvent de réaliser des entretiens afin de recueillir des données.

Find the right tools for your work

On the flipside, being a freelancer today means that you will need to be using various software to assist you in your work. Depending on the specifics of your offering there are multiple freelancer tools to consider using to be able to make your work easier as well as offer your customers a great experience.

One of these handy tools that many freelancers could benefit from having in their toolbox is MeetFox.

Pas besoin d'avoir d'interminables allers-retours par courriel.

Who doesn’t appreciate it when your time is respected and you don’t have to waste your energy on what feels like activities that could easily have been avoided? Commonly, when it comes to agreeing on meeting times, the back and forth emails that are sent to figure out a point in time that works for all parties involved is often deemed as one of those processes that are wasteful and leave plenty of room for improvement. 

Camille is one of those people who questioned the effectiveness of that process, and therefore she started looking into what she could do to make it more time efficient. That’s how she stumbled upon MeetFox and hasn’t looked back since. Moreover, she even found different ways that she can use MeetFox outside of the initial problem she had sought to solve with it. In a remote working world, connecting with others is more often than not done through virtual coffee meetings:

“I have two primary use cases for MeetFox: coffee calls with interesting people I find online and interviews for my job.” 
The big pain it solves is not having to go back and forth with big influencers and professionals already short on time. The ability to send a link with a built-in form saves everyone the headache of old-school scheduling.”

Ne manquez pas de clients

No matter how hard and how much you work, due to multiple factors, many times prospects will contact you outside of your regular working hours. To not lose their interest, it’s highly recommended that you offer them a timely response. That way they’ll know from the start that you value your customer’s time and are a true professional. 

Camille was doing just that when using MeetFox to schedule appointments with clients and prospects for her freelance copywriting business. 

Elle pouvait rester détendue en sachant que les prospects ne lui échapperaient pas, et de l'autre côté du spectre, les clients étaient impressionnés par l'urgence de ses réponses et le haut niveau d'organisation dont Camille faisait preuve. En bref, une situation gagnant-gagnant hautement souhaitable :

“Before I took this new job, I was using MeetFox a lot for my freelance copywriting business. It definitely helped me score at least one job. The client said she was impressed at how quickly I responded and how organized I was. The link helped with all that.”

Cela en vaut-il la peine ?

Whenever it comes to getting a paid subscription for software or splashing the cash on some deal you found online—for something that you think might be beneficial for yourself or your business—it all comes down to one simple question: 

Est-ce que cela a un sens pour moi financièrement d'investir dans ce projet, et est-ce que cela sera rentable à long terme ?

The answer to that obviously depends on each individual situation and depending on the level of commitment involved, research should be conducted to determine that. When it comes to editors, copywriters and writers though, Camille is confident that she can offer the right answer when the “is it worth it?” question is asked about MeetFox:

“Investing in something like this is 100% worth it for editors, copywriters, and writers. Interviews are a big chunk of the job. MeetFox makes meetings easier.”  
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