6 façons de vendre comme un pro

La vente d'un produit est très différente de la vente de vos propres services et exige des compétences complètement différentes. L'établissement de relations, le réseautage, la persuasion et la ténacité deviennent de plus en plus importants à mesure que la concurrence augmente.

C'est juste ce genre de mois... encore ....

Your sales numbers are low, all your promising leads let you down, and worst of all your boss wants to sit with you and see your pipeline. Moreover, it’s the 3rd time in a row that you have not met your monthly target and you are now feeling the pressure…

This is your first sales job so you are aware that your experience is limited. Nonetheless, you are working 60 hours a week and still not delivering your quota.

Quelques conseils pour vous aider à vendre comme un pro :

1. Sachez ce que vous vendez !

Make sure you take the time to properly learn the ins and outs of what you are trying to offer. Whether it being a product or service, make sure you test it out yourself, ask different team members. Also, you need to make sure you know the details of what you are trying to sell. You are the ambassador of the company, therefore, make sure you can answer questions regarding your service/product.

2. Become a market expert in your field

You can use Google alerts to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, new discoveries, updates in your field. Information is power. Therefore, the more you are seen as a Thought Leader, the more clients will take you seriously as you are seen as knowledgeable and aware of the market challenges and solutions.

3. Se préparer à traiter les objections

The best sales expert knows the competition very well and is able to answer hard questions as to why their product is the best fit. Therefore, know your USP’s and be prepared to answer tough questions regarding your pricing, positioning in the market, certain features..etc. Check out these common sales objections.

4. Listen to your client’s answers

Let your client speak more than you. Also, listen to their problems and needs and find a creative solution specifically for them. After all, listening is the key to building relationships!

5. Développez ce pipeline !

Always make sure that your pipeline is filled with a healthy amount of leads, qualified leads, opportunities..etc. The most efficient way is to use software to help you manage your time. There are many different kinds of software out there that could be a real game-changer for you. So, make sure to find and choose the ones that fit you the most.

6. Toujours se fermer

Vous devez toujours essayer de conclure l'affaire une fois la confiance établie. Si vous ne posez jamais la question, vous ne saurez peut-être jamais dans quelle mesure l'autre partie est déterminée à conclure l'affaire. En outre, essayez de trouver des solutions créatives et que sen

Enfin, vendre comme un pro est vraiment un jeu de chiffres, alors qu'attendez-vous ? !??! Bonne vente !

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