Las 4 mejores aplicaciones para mejorar la gestión del tiempo

Recupera horas a la semana con 4 sencillas (y gratuitas) aplicaciones que harán tu día a día MUCHO más fácil. Echa un vistazo a estas 4 aplicaciones que te cambiarán la vida.

Do you constantly wish that there were more than 24 hours in a day? Well, you obviously cannot extend day length but you can definitely indulge yourself in some efficient time management. Time is no doubt one of the most precious resources that you can put to use and so here are some apps that will make it much easier to manage your time.

1. Todoist

If you are feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks at your disposal, then Todoist is the app for you. It will remind you which things to do and when. Also, it will make sure that everything that’s on your to-do list gets done in time. This way you will be able to efficiently manage your time and will not have to worry about missing out any of your tasks ever.

2. Tiempo de rescate

If you are seeing that you are not being able to complete your work on time every day, then this app will help you identify the activities which are wasting your time. Rescue time will send your reports every week.

3. Flujo de trabajo

Workflow is a new app that allows you to automate processes on your device and integrated with a variety of apps. The best thing about this app is that it is highly customizable. Workflow can be integrated with other apps like Facebook to help you be on track with your tasks all day.

The app is only available on iOS unfortunately, and it is individual for each device. That means that if you created workflows on your iPhone, you won’t be able to pull them up on your iPad.

4. MeetFox

Another tool that helps you work more efficiently, especially if your day is packed with customer meetings, is MeetFox. MeetFox helps you get meetings in all automatically without the hassle and also lets you charge for those.

Bonus Read - Los 10 mejores programas de control de presencia a distancia

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