El director general de Paloo utiliza MeetFox para realizar videollamadas seguras

Sebastian Peter es el director general de Paloo, una empresa de asesoramiento hipotecario. Se reúne con frecuencia con clientes para ofrecerles asesoramiento hipotecario, y MeetFox le ha permitido integrar la programación de esas reuniones de forma más fluida en su negocio.
Sebastian Peter - Director General de Paloo

Sebastian Peter is the CEO of Paloo, a mortgage advising company. He frequently meets with clients to provide mortgage advisement, and MeetFox has enabled him to make scheduling those meetings more seamlessly integrated into his business.

Simplificar la programación

To avoid the hassle of back-and-forth emailing with clients, Sebastian introduced MeetFox to his business. He loves that his clients can easily book a video or audio call with him without having to register for another third-party application. Sebastian simply shares his MeetFox booking profile with his clients, and they can 24/7 easily look at his availability and pick an open slot. This cuts out a middle-person handling the booking, and automates it for efficiency.

"Es sencillamente brillante que el cliente pueda decidir por sí mismo al reservar una cita si quiere hacer una llamada telefónica o una videollamada".

Mantener la confianza y el alcance en las videollamadas

La confianza es una parte importante del trabajo de Sebastián. Dado que asesora a sus clientes en cuestiones financieras, da prioridad a fomentar una relación de confianza entre él y sus clientes. Esto ha sido manejable con las interacciones en persona; sin embargo, se vuelve un poco más complejo durante las interacciones en línea.

Luckily, Sebastian has been able to uphold this value by using MeetFox’s video and audio call features. MeetFox’s secure communication connections ensure that all meeting participants feel comfortable enough to dive into their consultations.

Furthermore, using MeetFox’s video and audio capabilities has allowed Sebastian to consult clients outside of his immediate area. Sebastian shares that 80% of his appointments are telephone based, whereas the other 20% are in-person. He’s able to reach many more prospective clients and offer his services to them. Since using MeetFox video consultations, Sebastian has acquired 40 new customers.

"Nuestro mayor beneficio es la ampliación de nuestro alcance cuando los clientes quieren mirarnos a los ojos, pero simplemente viven demasiado lejos".

Sebastian has saved plenty of time using MeetFox, and is excited to keep leading his online meetings with more efficiency. We’re excited to see how many more customers he’ll connect with via our platform to continue providing the best client support.

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