Cómo un comercializador de contenidos mejora los puntos de contacto con el cliente

Antes de utilizar MeetFox, Julian utilizaba un formulario de contacto básico en su sitio web para que la gente se pusiera en contacto con él, pero, como reconoció, eso ya no era suficiente y empezó a buscar una solución más completa para gestionar las reservas. Empezó a investigar varios programas que pudieran hacerlo y así fue como dio con MeetFox.

Julian Gumny ofrece su experiencia en marketing de contenidos a startups y marcas personales y escribe con frecuencia actualizaciones en su blog personal - Kreative Nomader

Es un redactor publicitario muy apasionado que ama su oficio y comparte sus conocimientos para ayudar a otros a conseguir grandes resultados con el marketing de contenidos.

En su negocio, la comunicación fluida con sus clientes y prospectos es algo que muchos profesionales se esfuerzan por conseguir. 

“As an online marketing professional, every touchpoint with the client has to be frictionless. MeetFox gives me an edge over the competition.”

Let’s have a look at how Julian is improving his customer journey and in what measure MeetFox is helping with reaching this goal that so many online marketers are after.

Julian Gumny sosteniendo una taza de café frente a un muro de arte moderno

“I simply put in my available days and MeetFox takes care of the rest”

Antes de utilizar MeetFox, Julian utilizaba un formulario de contacto básico en su sitio web para que la gente se pusiera en contacto con él, pero, como reconoció, eso ya no era suficiente y empezó a buscar una solución más completa para gestionar las reservas. Empezó a investigar varios programas que pudieran hacerlo y así fue como dio con MeetFox.

Not only does MeetFox help Julian’s customers contact him more efficiently, but implementing MeetFox in the booking process ended up saving him a lot of time too. Sending emails back and forth when scheduling was starting to take up considerable amounts of time for him, but now he doesn’t have to worry about that anymore, as the whole process is now automatized:

“I only used a normal contact form before, but that just doesn't cut it anymore. With MeetFox my clients can book a date directly without the back and forth of email. The scheduling was a headache and I was tired of the constant scheduling and rescheduling. Now I simply put in my available dates and MeetFox takes care of the rest.”

Un aspecto más profesional y elegante

Another benefit that came together with using MeetFox is represented by the ability to include booking options across different communication channels, such as emails or social media. Julian has now included the Meetfox booking link in his email signature and claims that this has made it easier for him to sell his services to people who already know him and that he actively communicates with. His customers seem to really appreciate the new changes as well:

“I am using MeetFox on my blog to sell my content marketing services for personal brands and startups. I am also using it in my email signature. That’s an easy way to market my service to people who already know me. I already got compliments for my sleek booking page. Now I have less admin work and can focus on helping my customers.”

Menos tareas repetitivas - Más tiempo para ser creativo

Nobody enjoys doing those dull repetitive tasks, even less so creative people such as Julian who can use the time spent on such activities to focus on what he can offer to the world. Apart from removing the time spent with back and forth emails, MeetFox has also helped Julian improve the other parts of the meeting process, such as the video conferencing aspect, as well as the payments. His clients don’t have to create an account to use MeetFox, nor do they need to download anything, which certainly improves the whole meeting experience and creates a win-win situation for both sides. The video conferencing tool offered by MeetFox has a very intuitive interface and is user friendly, whereas the payments are handled through Stripe or PayPal. 

“Success is in the details” as Steve Jobs used to say, and little details such as automatic time zone conversion for bookings are what makes MeetFox so special for people who sell their services online.

“Less admin work to do (scheduling, payments, explaining videoconferencing to the client) and more bookings. Better than a simple contact form and I have one tool for the whole meeting process. MeetFox was specifically designed for coaches and you can see it in small details like the automatic time zone detection and the questionnaire.”

Reflexiones finales

En definitiva, una herramienta completa que permite programar, realizar videoconferencias y pagar fácilmente va a aportar beneficios a una gran variedad de negocios online. Para Julian, le ayudó a utilizar su tiempo en cosas más creativas que enviar correos electrónicos y programar Termine y ahora puede ofrecer a sus clientes una experiencia mejorada y estar un paso por delante de la competencia.

"Tus herramientas son un reflejo de tu profesionalidad. Empieza a utilizar una herramienta profesional de programación/Termin-en lugar de utilizar un simple formulario de contacto. Es 2021, ya no estamos en los 90".

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