Un negocio de coaching más eficiente con MeetFox

Alisa Barcan es la fundadora de The Savvy Corner, un negocio de coaching financiero, en el que se centra en proporcionar a los clientes asesoramiento y conocimientos financieros. Descubra cómo MeetFox ha facilitado la programación para ella y sus clientes y le ha ahorrado mucho tiempo cada semana.

Alisa Barcan is the founder of The Savvy Corner, a financial coaching business based in the United Kingdom. As a financial coach, she focuses on providing clients with education on money management, offering them support and guidance, and acts as an accountability partner. Alisa’s schedule is always packed with one-to-one or small group meetings. She is a small business owner and can’t afford to waste time on pointless administrative work, which is why she began using MeetFox. MeetFox has made scheduling easier for both her and her clients, ultimately saving her time.

“As a small business owner, I can’t afford to spend too much time doing activities that are not revenue producing. And the price I paid for MeetFox is far outweighed by the costs of doing this myself.”

Eliminación de las idas y venidas en la programación

En 2019, Alisa decidió transformar su negocio secundario de coaching en su negocio principal. No solo comenzó a adquirir más clientes, sino que también comenzó a recibir más hilos de correo electrónico con reservas de sesiones. Los intercambios de correo electrónico como "¿Puedes hacer el miércoles a las 2 pm? ¿Y el lunes siguiente?", eran cada vez más frecuentes. Este proceso de programación empezó a consumir demasiado tiempo y dio una impresión poco profesional. Sabía que tenía que encontrar una forma mejor de programar a los clientes para apoyar el crecimiento de su negocio.

After researching scheduling software, Alisa discovered MeetFox. She was immediately impressed by its scheduling capabilities, and her experience only confirmed her initial thoughts. With MeetFox, Alisa’s clients are able to easily schedule meetings with her. All they have to do is click her MeetFox booking profile to access her availability. And since she integrated MeetFox with her other calendars, she’s able to have all her meetings in one place. To save more time, Alisa also turned on MeetFox’s ability to automatically accept all meeting requests and send meeting reminders. This has automated the scheduling process has freed up time to help her accomplish more.

“It would be very difficult (almost impossible) for me to manage scheduling (given the increased volume of work) without MeetFox.”

Integrating MeetFox with your existing channels

Alisa has been able to integrate MeetFox with her website and her Youtube channel. By easily embedding her MeetFox booking profile into her website and social media posts, she’s able to avoid the hassle of back-and-forth emailing while reaching a wider audience. Clients surfing through her channels, can now easily book a time right there and then.

"Lo tengo incrustado en mi sitio web e incluyo el enlace a él en mis publicaciones en las redes sociales y en mi canal de YouTube. A partir de aquí, no tengo nada que hacer".

Videollamadas fáciles de realizar y pagos instantáneos

While Alisa uses MeetFox mostly for its scheduling options, she’s also excited to use its simple video calls and automatic payment features all in the same place. She loves that using MeetFox’s video calls does not require any login credentials nor any third-party applications for the client. People meeting simply receive a unique meeting room link and click it to access their virtual session. Plus, these meeting rooms are safe due to MeetFox’s secure communication measures. These aspects ensure that Alisa and her clients can seamlessly navigate their online meetings.

"Quizá lo que más me atrajo fue el hecho de que el cliente no tuviera que instalar nada en su ordenador para unirse a nuestras sesiones en directo. Ahorrar a mis clientes la creación de otra cuenta es una ventaja tanto para ellos como para mí".

Furthermore, MeetFox is able to automatically collect payments when clients are booking a meeting. MeetFox is integrated with Stripe and PayPal to make this an efficient process, and Alisa is looking forward to incorporating this feature into her business model in the future.

Reflexiones finales

Ultimately, Alisa enjoys using MeetFox and appreciates the efficiency it’s helped her achieve. She recommends that other coaches and service-based professionals try MeetFox to achieve the same success, and she’s excited for what MeetFox will release next.

"Esta herramienta tiene el potencial de convertirse en una ventanilla única para gestionar con éxito las actividades de cara al cliente (y productoras de ingresos) de un negocio online basado en servicios."

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